British Sandwich Week Ideas
I love a sandwich, I am the person who can eat bread with no toppings. Bread is my go to food, I think it must be written in my genetic code. Some of my family and friends are wheat intolerant and coeliac, the combinations I have stated below can be served as a salad option without bread.
Here are a few of our current family favourite sandwich combinations:
Antipasti Sandwich- slices of mozzarella, chopped sundried tomatoes, roasted peppers, artichokes, sliced olives and rocket, drizzled with olive oil and served in a ciabatta rolls.
Crayfish Avocado Sandwich – Use the filling from my crayfish avocado canapé spread onto your favourite bread. I love the filling in a warm baguette. Crayfish Avocado Filling
Pinwheel Sandwiches:
This is a very easy way to make impressive pinwheel sandwiches.
Ask your bakery to slice a loaf of bread lengthwise to get long slices, or you can use a no crust loaf.
Spread your chosen mixture over the slice of bread, I have used my Quick Smoked Salmon Pate.
Roll the bread as you would a swiss roll, keeping the roll tight enough to hold without squashing the bread. See the images below.
Cut the sandwiches into pinwheels using a serrated knife.
Once rolled, the sandwiches can be wrapped in cling wrap and kept in the fridge till needed.
Some fillings need to be eaten straight away, however the Quick Smoked Salmon Pate will keep for a few hours in the fridge. This makes a great do ahead afternoon tea addition.