Caramel Cupcakes with Coffee Icing Two Ways
This is a quick one-bowl Caramel Cupcake recipe with Coffee Icing Two Ways. The coffee flavoured icing blends well with a background caramel taste from the cupcakes. I have two options to ice the cupcakes, a quick stir together and runnier icing if you are in a hurry, or a classic buttercream coffee icing if you fancy piping the top of the cupcakes instead.
Coffee can be a natural flavour enhancer, used in many recipes from steak rubs to chocolate cake, it adds a deep background flavouring but one that cannot always be determined as coffee itself, in sweet or savoury dishes.
Caramel Cake:
The dark muscovado sugar adds a wonderful caramel note to the cake. In the cake part of the recipe, you can’t taste the coffee, it just adds a little something. This is helpful if you are serving non-coffee lovers and children. Or you may prefer to use a decaf coffee or omit the coffee completely from the cake recipe and focus the coffee flavour in the icing.
Coffee Icing Two Ways:
I made the icing two ways one slightly thicker if you wanted to pipe a swirl and one runnier if you were in a hurry and just wanted a quick spoon on and set icing. Both icings are lovely and sometimes different situations will determine the use of different methods.
I always like to have choices for my friends and family. So whenever I am serving adults and children cake I keep the icing separate. This makes everyone happy, those who prefer just cake and those who love icing. I individually ice the cakes with as much or as little icing people enjoy. This is also a great idea for parents who want to limit the amount of sugar the children have. An added bonus is that it is also a good way to save the cake, as any uneaten cake that hasn’t been iced can be kept in a tin for 2 days.
Serving Ideas:
This recipe is lovely if you are having friends round for a meal and want to skip dessert and go straight to coffee and cake.
Perfect if you are hosting a book club at home.
Or over a weekend when you know people may be passing, you can fill a cake tin very quickly with a lovely treat.
Coffee-loving students at uni will enjoy these on a visit home or it is quick and easy to make in halls.
- 125g butter softened
- 100g caster sugar
- 75g dark muscovado sugar, squash out the lumps
- 175g self-raising flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 eggs
- 62.5ml milk
- 2 heaped teaspoons instant coffee powder
- Coffee Icing
- Use whichever icing recipe you prefer, one will be runny to spread over the cupcake and the other can be piped to house a chocolate-covered coffee bean. This is optional you make want a big buttercream swirl or just the flat runny icing.
- Coffee Butter Cream
- The recipe below only makes a small amount of icing enough for the small dollop shown in the photo. For full coverage with a big swirl triple the recipe.
- 25g softened butter
- 85g icing sugar sifted
- 1 teaspoon coffee powder
- ½ teaspoon milk
- Spreadable Coffee Icing for 12 cupcakes
- 25g softened butter
- 85g icing sugar sifted
- 1 teaspoon coffee powder
- 1 tablespoon milk
- Optional:
- Chocolate covered coffee beans
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
- Line a 12 hole cupcake tin with cupcake paper cases.
- In a medium bowl add the eggs and coffee to a bowl and beat until the coffee has dissolved.
- Add all the ingredients and beat until just combined.
- Fill each cupcake ¾ of the way up the case.
- Bake for 15 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
- Optional Icing
- While the cupcakes are baking make the icing:
- Decide how you would like to top the cupcakes with a combination of spreadable icing or a buttercream swirl.
- If you would like both make a batch of each or triple the butter icing recipe for a bigger swirl.
- Buttercream Icing method:
- Add the icing sugar and butter to a medium-sized bowl.
- Add the milk into a small cup and microwave til warm for a few seconds.
- Dilute the coffee in the warm milk and add the coffee milk to the icing and butter bowl.
- Spreadable Coffee Icing Method
- As above this will just be runnier due to the amount of milk you have added.
- To thin or thicken the recipe add more coffee milk or icing sugar.
Chocolate coffee shaped beans can be found in the supermarket baking aisle.
To thin the icing recipes add more coffee milk.
To thicken the icing add more icing sugar.
Taste the icing if you want a more intense coffee taste dilute a little more coffee.