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Homemade Fish Goujons

Looking at what I had indoors the other day was a wedge of bread that wasn’t going to be eaten, a vast array of herbs, that weren’t going to be added to any meal in the medium term and 4 fillets of cod. So fresh herby bread crumbs became the coating to the cod and Homemade Fish Goujons were made.

It was amazing how each 20cm fillet of fish yielded 8-12 goujons. When the fish goujons were floured, egg washed and crumbed they became a substantial fun dinner, that put a smile on my hubby and teenagers faces.

You may think that this recipe is a phaff but the reality from washing, cutting, crumbing and frying the fish, this meal was on the table in 45 minutes. It would be great to get the children involved (if you are up for a little mess and are not time poor).

The fish can be baked in the oven on a greased tray, if you would prefer not to fry. They won’t be as crunchy, but they will still be delicious.

Homemade Fish Goujons
Preparation time
Cooking time
Total time
A lovely fish goujon recipe that can be served as a family dinner, popped into 'newspaper' cups and served as a canapé, taken on a picnic as a snack or added to a fish finger sandwich.
Recipe type: Mains
Cuisine: British
Servings: 6-8
  • 4 small-medium cod, plaice, sole or hake fillets skinned, cut into 5cm x 2cm rectangles
  • 200g fresh white bread crumbs
  • handful of mixed fresh herbs: parsley, coriander, dill, chives and thyme
  • 1 egg beaten with milk to thin +- ¼ cup
  • +- ½ cup of plain flour
  • salt and pepper
  • sunflower oil to shallow fry
  • Homemade Tartar Sauce
  • 125ml Hellman's Mayonnaise
  • 1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh chives
  • 1 Tablespoon finely chopped parsley
  • 3 mini cornichon finely chopped
  • ½ lemon, juiced
  1. Mix the crumbs and the herbs together, choose herbs that your family enjoys.
  2. Beat the egg in a bowl and add a little milk to thin the egg to allow the fish to dip with ease.
  3. Add flour to another bowl.
  4. Place the herby bread crumbs into a pasta bowl (shallow with a lip).
  5. Wash and dry the fish well, season with salt and pepper.
  6. Dip the fish into the flour, then the egg and finally into the bread crumbs coating well.
  7. A good chef trick to remember is keep one hand for working with dry ingredients and one hand for dipping into the wet ingredients. That way you can make it to the end of the dipping session without having two hands that look like bears paws!
  8. Place the crumbed fish onto a tray or large plate.
  9. At this point the fish can be covered with grease proof paper and then cling wrapped and kept for a day before needed.
  10. Fry the fish in shallow oil but enough to come half way up each goujon.
  11. Cook until golden on each side, this only takes a couple of minutes.
  12. Homemade Tartar Sauce
  13. Mix all the ingredients together.
  14. Serve as a family meal with rice or chips and a salad.
  15. As a canapé placing a few goujons in a 'newspaper' cone with a wooden chip fork and a dollop of tartar sauce.
  16. Add the goujons to a wrap or sandwich.
  17. This recipe make +-45-60 goujons depending on the size of the cod fillets.
The amount of people you serve will depend on if this is for a canapé or main meal.
The 4 fillets I used fed my family of 4 for dinner and we had left overs to make two fish finger sandwiches.

This is how many Homemade Fish Goujons 4 fillets of cod made!

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