Quick Exercise Idea When You Work or Studying From Home
If you are working from home or you are studying for external exams then try this quick exercise idea. It can help you stay focussed and is a great way to get a little exercise into your day, when you don’t have time to do what you normally do for exercise.
It is hard when you are in the throws of revision or up against a deadline to think about leaving your desk. My idea is to try and use a natural cue, a hydration break drink, mealtime, a nature call, or set your timer for every hour if the above won’t work for you. This way you can get your heart rate up without feeling like you are taking a chunk out of time away from your work or studies.
Use what you have a staircase, corridor or garden. Run up and down your flight of stairs or if you live on one level head for a corridor or to the garden, run 5/10/15 or 20 times or whatever your health and fitness will permit you to do.
This simple idea will get your heart racing, add a little sprinkling of endorphins into your day and make you feel less sedentary.
Have fun and I promise you, you won’t be able to enjoy your chosen cue without your quick endorphin hit and healthy distraction.