An Easy Vegetarian Menu
A delicious mushroom pate served with cucumber rounds, bulgar wheat topped with aubergines and courgettes, and a fresh tomato and onion salad. The dessert was a blueberry and lemon cheesecake. This kicked off a wonderful Friday night with friends. As exhausting as the week may have been, gathering around a table and chatting with friends elongates the weekend. I got back from work at 5:40 p.m. and started to cook. My friends walked in at 7:15, and everything was ready and waiting.
My menu was:
Mushroom Pate: This recipe is so delicious and a great make-ahead starter.
For the main course:
Bulgar Wheat with courgettes, aubergine and topped with a fresh Cypriot style salad.
I combined three of my recipes together and crumbled a little feta on top. It was ready in 30 minutes.
Bulgar wheat and healthy lentil salad without the lentils and the Cypriot-style tomato and red onion salad with fresh parsley Each element was quick, easy and nutritious.
This is such a wonderful mixed-in-minutes recipe: Lemon cheesecake can be topped with anything you fancy, blueberries, seasonal fresh fruit or salted caramel sauce. It can be as versatile as your imagination.

This is a wonderful vegetarian menu and the starter and main can be adapted for vegans.