

I look forward to sharing my random ideas and thought

Valentines Quiz

A fun but meaningful activity to do with your partner. Expressing your love for someone can take on many different forms and according to Dr Gary Chapman there are 5..

Make Ahead Herb Cubes

Feeling Frugal – Make Ahead Herb Cubes I had chopped parsley left over from my cabbage roll recipe. So I popped the parsley into my blender with a little water so it would blend..

New Year Goal Setting

Try to set realistic goals that will lead you to achieve and feel good about yourself, rather than unattainable goals that lead you to feeling low about yourself mid January. Take stock of the previous..

Christmas Gifts That Last

As a family we have been blessed with many wonderful people in our lives. And each year their kindness is with us over the festive period in the little mementos..

Christmas Decorating Ideas

I love creating a festive feeling in every room of my home. The entrance has a Merry Christmas mat and a few deer added to the table. Each door has a..